Thursday, October 2, 2008

Interesting Blog Post

I read a blog about portfolio design entitled "Portfolio day might make you cry, but it's worth it".

This blog talks about AIGA portfolio day and how it's a great way to network yourself with local designers who may be hiring at the moment (which is important for me especially because I will soon be graduating and looking for a job).

I love the quote "you are more than your portfolio".

This basically applies to the fact that even though your portfolio is amazing there should be so much more to offer to a company.

Erik Spiekermann's quote in the blog, "Portfolios don’t matter. You hire the person, not the portfolio" may be going a little too far but I can kind of see where he's going with that. My portfolio shows what I already know and what I have done thus far but doesn't explain my full potential for growth and adapting which may be beneficial to a certain company. The portfolio may get me an interview but I have to rely on my personality, determination, passion, etc. to show the employer that I have what it takes to take things to the next level.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I think this is a good point-- we tend to spend so much time obsessing over our portfolios that we forget how much we need to spend time developing ourselves as PEOPLE and professionals as well.

I think this is a good reminder.